Working with a group of girls to raise money can be rewarding – once you get them feeling creative.
Whether you’re raising money for a summer camp, uniforms or just ongoing running costs, it’s not too difficult to reach your target if you just raise small amounts each time.
Most girls love getting crafty or baking – so here’s some girl scout fundraising ideas they might enjoy:-
- Cake Bake – have an evening of cooking, prior to selling to parents or at school the following day (check for permission first)
- Car Wash – charge parents and friends to wash and clean their vehicles one Saturday morning
- Craft Sale – have fun with some activities to make Christmas gifts (this could count towards badges!) and sell them at a stall at a local fair
- Fundraising Cookbook – get everyone to bring one of their or their moms favorite recipes, have a competition to design the cover, and then photocopy and bind the result, selling each copy for a reasonable, but small charge
- Garage Sale – clear out your house, ask neighbours to donate unwanted items and sell it all off at the best prices you can get
- Make Overs – charge to give each other a makeover
- Seasonal Sales – whether in the fall, Christmas or Easter – selling related products from catalogs can help raise funds
- Sponsored Events – for example, a walk, run, sleepover, silence or litter pick – they may be old hat, but that doesn’t stop them from being effective
Girl Scout Cookies
This is a real part of American culture, as for many years, this has been the classic annual fund raiser, embraced by many girl scouts and their families.
The aim of the program is to raise money whilst teaching the girls entrepreneurial skills, supported by customers within their local community.