Why Speaking Opportunities Can Lead to a Job… or a Better One

Why Speaking Opportunities Can Lead to a Job… or a Better One

Why should you speak publicly while in job search mode? Because the perception of someone who delivers presentations, and who does it really well, is that they are an expert. Companies like to hire and promote experts. Research shows that speaking engagements are: Business opportunities Career opportunities Leadership opportunities Merely being in front of a … Read more

How Do I Keep An Employer from Calling My Old Boss?

How Do I Keep An Employer from Calling My Old Boss

Question: How do I keep potential employers from calling my old boss? I fear he will say something that will ruin my job chances. Answer: Just because a potential employer asks for your former supervisor’s name and contact information on its application form doesn’t mean that you have to give it to them. In fact, … Read more

Top 10 Job Search Trends

Top 10 Job Search Trends

Just like any other activity that depends on market fluctuations, job search trends are under constant change. Candidates sticking to old tactics might find their efforts ineffective. When looking for true talents and passionate employees, recruiters are taking into account more factors and information sources than ever to make the best decisions. Read on! Knowing … Read more

5 Must-have Job Apps to Speed up Your Career Search

Must-have Job Apps to Speed up Your Career Search

Timing is everything when it comes to searching for a new job. There are a lot of job opportunities and much of the work is finding them when they’re available. Thanks to the Internet, your window of opportunity has grown exponentially. And, now with apps that can be downloaded onto your smartphone or tablet, you … Read more