How To Pay Off Multiple Payday Loans

In these times of easy high interest money, people are finding themselves looking for help and one question we get every day is how to pay off multiple payday loans.

I am happy to bring everyone who is in this situation great news in that we can show you how to do this without selling the farm so to speak!

These loan companies will just pile the debt on and on without any concerns that they are burying the borrowers to the point of no return and that is where we come in, we can stop this crazy spiral.

Read on to find out how we can solve all of your payday loan debt problems and help you get back some of your financial sanity!

Multiple Payday Loans

One problem with payday loan companies is they do not tell you about your options when you take out these loans and then run into trouble.

When a person gets behind on their payments the loan companies offer another loan or the borrowers go and get another payday loan with another company to make the first companies payments and stop their collection threats.

This is called the payday loan trap and it is so easy to get caught in it and so hard to get out of unless you know how to do it and these companies are not going to give you that option.

That is where we come into the picture!

We can solve your payday loan problems as quickly as today and we are really the only right option for anyone with payday loan debt.

Read on to see how we can put your debt to rest forever!

What We Do

We will immediately take over your payday loan debt and deal directly with the company or companies that hold your loans. We treat these loans like they are our own.

Once we are on the job you will no longer be contacted by these companies and all correspondence will be done through us, we do the dirty work!

We first stop all collection activity, all phone calls to you at work, home and to all of your references and stop all incurring interest on your loans.

We then combine all of your loans and negotiate away as much of the interest as possible, many times saving the borrowers up to 75% of the totals owed.

Once this is done we negotiate an affordable payback amount that can be made directly by us to the loan companies. This payment is usually bi weekly or monthly and we make sure the payment reflects your budget, in other words, one the borrower can afford.

Most payday loan debt is paid in full within 18 months of the process and the customers will save considerably over paying these loans off on their terms.


We are the secret payday loan companies do not want you to know about and we are ready to take on your payday loan debt.

Give us a call toll free at 1.877.280.5100 or fill out our no obligation form to get your free quote and set your recovery from payday loan debt in action today!

We are glad to offer this service to any and all who are dealing with payday loan debt be it a single loan or multiple loans through multiple companies.