Fancy something different, unusual and unique to you?
Why not create your own style of event, using novel ideas for other successful fundraisers?
What skills and gifts do your organizing team have? What do you have in your locality that you could use? Why not put these together to create your own unusual, crowd-drawing, money-making event?
Do you have unique connections with individuals or organizations that can help you create an unusual fundraiser?
Perhaps contact with an author, circus entertainer, sports person could be turned to your advantage – bring them well placed publicity and you an opportunity for putting cash behind a good cause.
Want to really step it up? Know a pilot? People are mesmorized by planes and helicopters. Drop prizes to kids and adults for a small donation.
Talk about impact! Do this and you can bet the turn out will be huge. Afterwards you will become the go to person for future fundraising ideas.
For churches – can you think of some way of involving or reaching out to the community that will attract media attention, as being a great idea?
For schools – what gifts & experiences do your staff have to bring to this? For example, do you have a number of runners? Perhaps they could enter the New York Marathon and get sponsorship across the student body!
Check in your library or on the internet for other great ideas that people have tried that have worked – do a group brainstorm to discover what fundraising ideas might work for you.